
Hello, new friends, loves or good times, I am 21 years old, I am Colombian, I am a short girl, I am somewhat serious, my mood depends a lot on you if you are kind or not, I am usually sweet and kind, also a little bitter and bad mood, I came to this page because I like to work on self-love and have my effort appreciated in each show, I like to work hard when there is good motivation, I hate stingy people who ask and ask and are not generous, I like to establish good connection with fun people and when it is for something specific I like courtesy and sincere, I love friendly and kind people, I don't like to be rushed or hurried and that they are legal and considerate, I love chivalrous and respectful men, I am faithful believer that how you treat me you will be treated, I work hard to finish the construction of my own house, live calmly and happily to be able to undertake without worries of unnecessary expenses. Thank you for reading my profile I hope we will be good friends.. web cams nude cum. Live Cams Boobs Squirt. galleries pictures. Start Webcam Show